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Lighten up – OnOffice article

9 May 2017

Lighten up – New technologies & trends are opening up ways to change the workplace through lighting design

David Clements, managing director of FUTURE Designs says that while the technology isn’t new, the benefits of LEDs shouldn’t be taken for granted.  ”According to many academics , a huge global reduction in power consumption could be achieved by LEDs which can have efficiencies of 20 times those of conventional lamps,” he commented recently.

In his opinion, office lighting solutions must continue to be driven by efficiency as well as function.

”Lighting solutions for buildings need to be fit for purpose and design engineers and manufacturers have an obligation to look at options and impacts,” he says.  ”We experience our environment through our eyes, (so) appropriate lighting design needs to take care of the nature of the business, the working methods, open -plan and cellular  configurations, and the way staff work together.

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