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In bed with Future Designs featured in August’s edition of FX Magazine

13 August 2018

In the midst of the summer equinox FUTURE Designs has explored the effect that light levels can have on the circadian rhythms of two volunteers in its experiment: Light Work Sleep.

An ever-growing reliance on technology and the longer summer days is assumed to over-stimulate and exhaust us, so with the help of sleep expert Dr Neil Stanley FUTURE Designs set out to test this theory.

Taking place at it’s new Technology Hub in Clerkenwell, lighting manufacturer FUTURE Designs created two makeshift ‘bedrooms’ and lit them to the extremes of the kelvin scale. One side was a cool 6000 kelvins, the other a warm 2700 kelvins and each became home to volunteers of similar age, weight and height for 24 hours in a simulated ordinary day. Dr Neil Stanley measured memory, reaction time and vigilance throughout, and questioned them on mood and alertness.

Click here to read full article featured in  FX August 2018